mascara-carnavalThis weekend we celebrate Carnival in Spain!

What do you think that the most popular costumes will this year be?? We can always see Fred and Wilma from The Flinstones, the Smurfs, cowboys, policemen and policewomen…but I know that this year we will have many Gangnam Style’s! Or maybe Felix Baumgartners (the parachutist that jumped from the Stratosphere)! Any bets?

But…what can you do to dress yourself up??? Well, some ideas for carnival costumes

  1. Movie or sitcom characters.
  2. Famous people.
  3. Objects (in your house, on the streets, in an office, in an amusements park…)
  4. Fairy tale characters.

Or…you can combine them or invent something new! For instance, you can be a Dracula with a cold, a pirate with a plaster instead of a hood (or have a frog on your shoulder instead of a parrot!), a shooting star with a bump…or you can think of something less creepy!!! Sorry, for some reason I have more ideas for Halloween!!

You can either create the costume yourself with old pieces of cloth, or buy a few things at the outdoor market, or buy a costume in a toy shop or even online.

If you are staying in Hotel Riudor in Benidorm, you shall visit Jokers’ shop, which is almost next door.

Carnival in Benidorm

We will have a children’s parade on Saturday 9th February departing at 11am from Gambo street, and an adults’ parade at 9pm departing from Venus street. Both will end up at the La Aigüera Park (where the City Hall is). Over there, you will be able to find a children’s playground with inflatables, entertainment and magic shows.

There will be a fireworks display at night and a bar with cheap prices offering small sandwiches for 1 Euro, soft drink and beer for 1 Euro, and Mojito and alcoholic drinks for 3 Euros.

We have a great weather forecast by the way…sunny and between 4 and 13 degrees!

We would love to see the best costumes this year!



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